Das Gravertbuch, Familienchronik der Kremper- und Kollmar- Marsch

With his book from 1929

"Die Bauernhöfe zwischen Elbe, Stör und Krückau"
(The farms between Elbe, Stör and Krückau)

Johannes Gravert (1845 -1923)
has created a work of lasting historical importance for the families who live on these farms.
Ever since this book has been a must-have for these families.


Johannes Gravert (1845 - 1923)
  Beispiel einer Ahnentafel
Since the release of the so called "Urgravert" the Gravert - Buch e.V. has published a current supplemental volume.
These books have helped many people to trace the roots of their families.
A particular highlight was the release of a coffee-table book, containing pictures of the farms, in 2006.